ensiling of stillage

The ensiling of stillage in a silo bag eliminates the problem of leaking nutrient-rich juices. It is much harder to obtain such conditions when stillage is stored in heaps or drive-through silos. In order to enable ensiling the stillage in a silo bag, its dry mass content has to amount to at least 20%.

We are offering you the sugar beet stillage ensiling services on the whole territory of Poland. We have available several types of machines that can be used for ensiling. If you plan on using a telescopic loader or a front end loader in order to carry out loading to a packing machine, we are offering the service employing the Agripak packer. In case of larger amount of stillage we can carry out the service employing the Centerline De Luxe silage press. It is fitted with a central feeding table, which enables loading the material into the machine directly from the truck’s bulk-tipping trailer.