A new machine in our offer – unpacker for moist and dry grain

The Agripak company introduces a new machine to the market: an unpacker for moist cereal grain and maize. We started the design works on that machine in 2012. In 2013 we introduced to the market the two prototypes that we tested together with our largest customers. The tests resulted in final modifications that we implemented in the winter of 2014.
In the spring of 2014 we started manufacturing these machines. The first of them are going to be delivered to the customers in September 2014.
Our unpacker is the only machine on the market capable of unpacking the wet maize from a silo bag. The estimated efficiency of the machine is about 100 tons of maize per hours for the material having the moisture content of 35%.
The offer details are available in our commercial department. Soon at our website we are going to make available the folders and in autumn 2014 we are going to publish a presentation video.
